Contenu Multiple myeloma News & Events News & Events Nouvelles Leukaemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma mortality after low-level exposure to ionising radiation in nuclear workers (INWORKS): updated findings from an international cohort study Plus d'informations 02.09.2024 24.07.2024 Publication of the WHO Classification of Tumours, 5th Edition, Volume 11: Haematolymphoid Tumours 16.08.2022 Monographies du CIRC Volume 130 : 1,1,1-Trichloroéthane et quatre autres produits chimiques industriels (en anglais) SEE MORE News & Events Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Communiques de presse IARC identifies eight additional cancer sites linked to overweight and obesity Go to PDF 25.08.2016 SEE MORE Communiques de presse Highlights Highlights Chroniques IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and four other industrial chemicals Plus d'informations 18.11.2021 SEE MORE Highlights Infographics Infographics Infographic Types de cancer corrélés au surpoids et l'obésité Plus d'informations 27.09.2017 SEE MORE Infographics Research Project Websites Research Project Websites Global Cancer Observatory