20 Février 2024
Ireland Lithuania Poland Prostate cancer Spain

IARC hosts Prostate Cancer Awareness and Initiative for Screening in the European Union (PRAISE-U) consortium meeting

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) hosted the consortium meeting for the Prostate Cancer Awareness and Initiative for Screening in the European Union (PRAISE-U) project on 19–20 February 2024 in Lyon, France.

The goal of the PRAISE-U project is to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by prostate cancer in the European Union by providing concrete evidence on a risk-stratified approach to the early detection of prostate cancer. The project includes pilot studies of screening programmes to detect prostate cancer, and representatives of countries with pilot sites – Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, and Spain – were in attendance to present the study protocols.

This meeting marked a significant step forward in the PRAISE-U project, fostering valuable discussions and paving the way for the successful implementation of pilot programmes in the participating countries.

Visit the PRAISE-U project website

Publication status

Published in section: Actualité du CIRC

Publication date: 20 Février, 2024, 0:12

Direct link: http://583425.40t4n.group/fr/news-events/iarc-hosts-prostate-cancer-awareness-and-initiative-for-screening-in-the-european-union-praise-u-consortium-meeting/

© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025

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