Partha Basu
Branch Head
Early Detection Prevention and Infections
Speciality: Gynaecological Oncology
Year | Degree | Major | Institution | Country/Town |
2017 | PhD | Clinical Oncology | University of Health Sciences | India / Kolkata |
1993 | Diplomate of National Board of Examinations | Obstetrics & Gynecology | National Board of Examinations | India / New Delhi |
1993 | MD | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Indira Gandhi Medical College | India / Shimla |
1991 | Diploma in Gynecology & Obstetrics | Obstetrics & Gynecology | Medical College | India / Kolkata |
1988 | MBBS | Medical College | India / Kolkata |
Current Research Projects
Extended follow-up of the participants of IARC-India HPV vaccination study to evaluate the effectiveness of one, two and three doses of quadrivalent HPV vaccine in preventing cervical neoplasia – Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
P. Basu (PI), R. Sankaranarayanan, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas & PIs from 9 Indian Institutions
Randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the Liger Thermal Coagulator vs Cryocautery and vs LLETZ to prevent cervical neoplasia in VIA positive women in LMIC - Funded by NIH, USA
P. Basu (PI), G. Parham, W Prendiville, A. Carvalho, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas
A Phase-II/III, Partially Double-blind, Randomized, Active-controlled, Multicentric Study to Assess the Immunogenicity and Safety of SIIPL’s qHPV Vaccine as Compared to Merck’s HPV6/11/16/18 vaccine (Gardasil®)- Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
P. Basu (PI)
Establishing Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research – reducing inequity in cancer screening in the CELAC - Funded by Norwegian Research Council
T. Eikemo (PI), P. Basu, A. Carvalho, C. Sauvaget, R. Muwonge, E. Lucas
Improving data collection for monitoring and quality assurance of cancer screening programme in Eastern Africa (CanScreen5- East Africa). Funded by Medical Research Council, UK
P. Basu (PI)
Selected Publications
Pinder LF, Parham GP, Basu P, Muwonge R, Lucas E, Nyambe N, Sauvaget C, Mwanahamuntu MH, Sankaranarayanan R, Prendiville W., Thermal ablation versus cryotherapy or loop excision to treat women positive for cervical precancer on visual inspection with acetic acid test: pilot phase of a randomised controlled trial, Lancet Oncol;21(1) 175-184
Basu P, Muwonge R, Bhatla N, Nene BM, Joshi S, Esmy PO, Poli URR, Joshi G, Verma Y, Zomawia E, Shastri SS, Pimple S, Anantharaman D, Prabhu PR, Hingmire S, Sauvaget C, Lucas E, Pawlita M, Gheit T, Jayant K, Malvi SG, Siddiqi M, Michel A, Butt J, Sankaran S, Rameshwari Ammal Kannan TP, Varghese R, Divate U, Willhauck-Fleckenstein M, Waterboer T, Müller M, Sehr P, Vashist S, Mishra G, Jadhav R, Thorat R, Tommasino M, Pillai MR, Sankaranarayanan R, Two-dose recommendation for Human Papillomavirus vaccine can be extended up to 18 years - updated evidence from Indian follow-up cohort study. Papillomavirus Res. 7 75-81
Basu P, Mahajan M, Patira N, Prasad S, Mogri S, Muwonge R, Lucas E, Sankaranarayanan R, Iyer S, Naik N, Jain K., A pilot study to evaluate home-based screening for the common non-communicable diseases by a dedicated cadre of community health workers in a rural setting in India. BMC Public Health;9(1) 6350-4
Sankaranarayanan R, Basu P, Kaur P, Bhaskar R, Singh GB, Denzongpa P, Grover RK, Sebastian P, Saikia T, Oswal K, Kanodia R, Dsouza A, Mehrotra R, Rath GK, Jaggi V, Kashyap S, Kataria I, Hariprasad R, Sasieni P, Bhatla N, Rajaraman P, Trimble EL, Swaminathan S, Purushotham A. Current status of human papillomavirus vaccination in India's cervical cancer prevention efforts. Lancet Oncol; 20(11) e637-e644
Basu P, Ponti A, Anttila A, Ronco G, Senore C, Vale DB, Segnan N, Tomatis M, Soerjomataram I, Primic Žakelj M, Dillner J, Elfström KM, Lönnberg S, Sankaranarayanan R. Status of implementation and organization of cancer screening in The European Union Member States-Summary results from the second European screening report. Int J Cancer;142(1) 44-56
Scientific Societies Membership
Royal Society of Medicine, London
Asia Oceania Research Organization on Genital Infection & Neoplasia
Indian Society of Colposcopy
Indian Association of Cancer Research
Indian Medical Association
Prizes, Honours
International Union Against Cancer (UICC) ICRETT Fellowship 2014 at International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France for preparing research publications
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India Technology Award 2013
UICC Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Fellowship 2003 at James Graham Brown Cancer Center, Louisville, Kentucky
Commonwealth Scholarships 1997
Second position in Surgery in Calcutta University in MBBS examination