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Vivian Viallon Statistician
Nutrition and Metabolism

Speciality: Statistics
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2016 HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) Statistics University Claude Bernard France / Lyon
2006 PhD Statistics University Pierre et Marie Curie France / Paris
2003 MSc Statistics University Pierre et Marie Curie France / Paris
Current Research Projects

The impact of comorbidity on cancer diagnosis and survival (ComoCanS)
H. Freisling (PI), P. Ferrari , M. Jenab, V. Viallon, M. Kvaskoff, A. Fournier

Obesity and cancer risk, and overall and cancer specific mortality among cancer patients: the role of comorbidities (AdCoCanS)
H. Freisling (PI), V. Viallon, M. Kvaskoff, T. Duarte Salles

Composite body shape phenotypes of multiple anthropometric traits and risk of cancer development (ShapeCancer)
H. Freisling (PI), P. Ferrari, V. Viallon, A. Amadou

New environmental/gene interaction detection method for cancer: Study of genetic epidemiology (GEInCan)
O. Bouaziz (PI), V. Viallon, G. Nuel

Selected Publications

Ballout N, Garcia C, Viallon V (2020) Sparse estimation for case–control studies with multiple disease subtypes. Biostatistics

Naudin S, Viallon V, Hashim D, Freisling H, Jenab M, Weiderpass E, Perrier F, McKenzie F, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Olsen A, Tjonneland A, Dahm CC, Overvad K, Mancini FR, Rebours V, Boutron-Ruault MC, Katzke V, Kaaks R, Bergmann M, Boeing H, Peppa E, Karakatsani A, Trichopooulo A, Pala V, Masala G, Panico S, Tumino R, Sacerdote C, May AM, van Gils CH, Rylander C, Borch KB, Chirlaque Lopez MD, Sanchez MJ, Ardanaz E, Quiros JR, Amiano Exezarreta P, Sund M, Drake I, Regnér S, Travis RC, Wareham N, Aune D, Riboli E, Gunter MJ, Duell EJ, Brennan P, Ferrari P. (2019) Healthy lifestyle and the risk of pancreatic cancer in the EPIC study. Eur. J. Epidemiol.

Viallon V, Dufournet M. (2017) Re. Collider bias is only a partial explanation for the obesity paradox? Epidemiology, 28(5) e43-e45

Ollier E, Viallon V. (2017) Regression modeling on stratified data with the lasso. Biometrika 104(1) 83-96

Assi N, Fages A, Vineis P, Chadeau-Hyam M, Stepien M, Duarte-Salles T, Byrnes G, Boumaza H, Knüppel S, Kühn T, Palli D, Bamia C, Boshuizen H, Bonet C, Overrad K, Johansson M, Travis RM, Gunter MJ, Lund E, Dossus L, Elena-Herrmann B, Riboli E, Jenab M, Viallon V, Ferrari P. (2015) A statistical framework to model the meeting-in-the-middle principle using metabolomic data: application to hepatocellular carcinoma in the EPIC study. Mutagenesis, 30 743-753

Scientific Societies Membership

Société Française de Statistique (SFdS)

GDR Statistique et Santé

Roles and Responsibilities

Chair of the IARC Statistical Working Group

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 2 April, 2020, 6:41

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025